
Pittville School Library

  • The library is open throughout the school day, including break and lunch time.
  • Passes are required to use the library at lunchtime; these are issued each term on a first come first serve basis.
  • Lunchtime clubs include book groups and creative writing.
  • The library regularly hosts an annual book shop experience.
  • Events are regularly held in and out the library these include quizzes, themed lunchtime and Uber reads book delivery.
  • The library houses an inclusive and diverse range of book stock, both fiction and non-fiction.
  • Books to support mental health and well being can be found in the shelf-help section.
  • Professional help and guidance is given to both staff and students by a qualified librarian.
  • Accelerated Reader is used for years 7-9 to help students improve and stretch their reading skills.
  • Pittville Reading Awards are awarded to those students who continue to build their reading stamina and read widely.

Find out library information here:

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